You really won’t get any thing out of this blog. It’s full of crap, crap n more crap. Whenever I will be happy will add some more crap and similarly whenever I will be down I will add more crap. So don’t blame me afterwards, you have been warned not to waste your time here.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Everybody is free
These days I have observed a wave of depression everywhere…
This post is dedicated to all the people out there, who are suffering from depression,
Who don’t know what to do?
Where to go?
What is good n what is bad?
Guys, I use to listen to this song when ever I am down, when ever I feel sad or confused and believe me it has helped me a lot. It’s one of my all time hits, so I would like to share this song with you all.
Lyrics to "Everybody is free to wear sunscreen"
by Baz Luhrman
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97,
Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis or reliable then my own meandering experience. I will dispense this
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind, you won't understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded, but trust me in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind: the kind that blindsides you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing every day that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts; don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive; forget the insults. (if you succeed in doing this, tell me how).
Keep your old love letters; throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives; some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.
Get plenty of Calcium. Be kind to your knees -- you'll miss them when they're gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40; maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary.
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself, either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.
Enjoy your body: use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it; it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
Dance...even if you have no where to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions (even if you don't follow them).
Do not read beauty magazines; they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents; you never know when they'll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings: they're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but what a precious few should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps and geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old; and when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse, but you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you are 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia; dispensing it is a way of wishing the past from the disposal--wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts, and recycling it for more than it's worth.
But trust me, I'm the sunscreen.
PS : mp3 will be provided on demand. ;)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I am against RESERVATION

Practice Questioning…

We can say many things without words…
They will try to suppress your voice…
They will try to crush your spirit……
They will give you pain…….
They will torture you……
They will inflict sufferings…
They are the brutal organized force…
They will fire…
Never succumb to pressure...
Are we living in Democracy???
I salute you guys…
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Is it worthwhile?
I am feeling damn sleepy. Time right now is 3:32 AM. My winamp is playing “Can’t stop this thing we started - Bryan Adams”. You must be wondering what the hell I am doing at this time. So for knowledge sakes, I am sitting in my cube to provide production support to my client (Only God knows who is going support to whom).
I better cut the crap and start with my topic.
You must have heard things like "Life means change" and "Only change is constant", but has anybody ever thought whether changing or the change itself is really worth it?
Let’s talk about IT sector. Ancient India was famous for its leather, spices, diamonds and all, and now, after a long time Brand India is emerging, thanks to IT, and thanks to out sourcing. There is no doubt that I am doing a job which I wouldn’t even have thought some 20 years back. Most of us have a better job than our parents’, better in terms of salary, infrastructure and the so called high standard of living. Everything is so tempting, everything looks so promising. Day after day we are moving from one company to another, running after a higher salary. But aren’t we living in a material world? Aren’t we becoming material boys & girls? Everyday we are thinking of a new project, a new assignment, a new job, a new company, a new (b/g) friend, etc… But how much time are we spending on our personal life?
According to THE WEEK’s survey on workaholics “Every fourth employed Indian works more than 16 hours a day and ends the day feeling frustrated. Most of them agree that their life revolves around their work, but it’s ok if the money is good. Whether the family is happy or not with the job is not a major concern for them”
Is there any difference between a human being and a computer (rather a machine)? I would like to ask you one question here. Tell me, how much time do you spend on things that matter to you most? Do you ever talk to yourself?
According to another survey, “Every third workaholic is getting more quick-tempered and physically sicker than before”
I would like to pose a few more questions to you here.
* Do you have back / neck ailments?
* Have you been bogged down by depression / fatigue?
* Have you faced a problem of disturbed sleep / poor immunity?
* How about loss of relationships and emotional collapse?
* Do you remember when you went for a walk with your friend last time?
* How may times have you seen the sunrise / sunset during the last month?
“You have to be FLEXIBLE”, is probably the first eligibility criteria for taking up a job in the IT industry. Yeah that is a selection mantra allrite. “Are you flexible in terms of work (technology and working hours)? Are you flexible in terms of geographic location? If your answer is right you are my guy, come join us”. But we are human beings right? Aren’t they comparing us with the NextGen robots? Do we have emotions? Do we need friends and family? Now you might say, what rubbish, who is stopping you to make friends? But no boss, it’s not so easy to make and “maintain” friends. You leave your near n dear ones or they leave you on the pretext of career and / or work being more important. You always need to be ready for a short term transfer and that too on a minimal notice time. They may ask you to move to some city in India or overseas in 4-5 days. Can you wind up everything in such a short span of time? Tangibles are fine but how can you wind up your emotions, your attachment to the place and its people, how can you wind up your relations? Thinking, “Why can’t I maintain my friendship even when I am away?” Yes I can. But “Proximity does matter”. Because of your professional / personal obligations the frequency of talking reduces (even if you don’t want it to happen) and that makes a difference.
As I remember it, October 17, 2004, the day I came to Mysore for the first time. None of my school or college friends were here with me. I made some new friends during my training. Outta them, only 4 (Me, Batra, Banani, and Kakkar) got posted to Mysore. Others got posted elsewhere. Thus once again began the quest for new friends and I got some good pals too. Let me write their names. Buddy (alias Nabamita), TCK (alias Vignesh), Bisht (alias Dinesh), KG (alias Kamal), Tau, Raju (alias Peeyush) and Chhotu. They all are very good people to be friends with, each one being a class apart from the other but in a class of his own. But that does not mean that I don’t miss my old friends. Life is never that simple. Sometime later KG, Bisht, TCK and Buddy went to US for onsite assignments. KG is back now but others are still there. How can I forget the time we spent together? We are still in touch but can’t spend time together right? I made some good friends in of my previous projects too– Rocky (alias Rakesh), G (alias Anita), Mr. Setty, Sheru (alias Chetanya), Akhilesh, n more. But again none of them is here. Some of them went to onsite and some of them got transferred. That was not the end of it; Raju got posted to Pune, Banani went to Hyderabad, last week Chhotu got transferred to Mangalore and now Tau and gupta are also expecting some onsite assignments. I know I haven’t told anyone of you how much you mean to me. I am not saying that I can’t live without somebody but it hurts… When your friends go away it hurts…. I am really bad at this, but believe me guys (ya gals also….) you all (literally all) mean a lot to me. I am sure every one of you would be having your own Buddy, your own Tau, your own Raju, your own Chhotu, your own Batra and your own gang. You might also be feeling the same way as I do. But is all this really worth it?
I have observed a whole lotta changes in myself in the past 2 years. I have met herds of different people and I have been close with some of them. But only few of them are with me today. God knows if we will meet again. It’s really frustrating, and at times I feel tired of all such changes. I don’t want to loose my friends anymore. I am tired of being formal, saying sorry and thanking you with the least bit of emotion involved. I am tired of having endless cups of coffee. I am tired of getting all senti listening to the song “Chitthi aayi hai” from the movie Naam (Listen to it once, I find it too senti esp the lines
Tune paisa bahut kamaya, Is paise ne des chhudaya
Des paraya chhod ke aaja, Panchhi pinjra tod ke aaja
Aaja umar bahut hai chhoti, Apne ghar me bhi hai roti.)
I know I might be sounding like a loser here. Another song that would potray my feelings at this juncture would be
Everything's so blurry
and everyone's so fake
and everybody's empty
and everything is so messed up
pre-occupied without you
(From: "Blurry" - PUDDLE OF MUDD)
I don’t want you to end up all senti after reading this. This is solely a self introspection that I have done.
Don’t worry guys; you won’t more posts like this too often. Next post will be full of fun, but this time you have to bear with me.
I agree there are many ways to think about all this differently and feel good about everything but tell me frankly IS IT REALLY WORTHWHILE?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Labor Day, May Day, Workers’ Day, Gujarat Day, Maharastra Day, call it what u want but it was Dhaval’s B’day also. 23 years ago (seems like a long time), God must have seen happy people on the earth and must have thought of having a devil among them, to have them run amuck and probably then did I come into this world.
Anyways, enough of the evolution part, this blog is not for evolution of my holy self but for what my birthday was all about. It was a long weekend, 3 days, kinda mini vacation and as expected everybody around was planning to go here or there on a trip and relax their soul, body and mind. I also wanted to go somewhere but because of some one reason or the other I went nowhere… So my long weekend started with loneliness and I started talking to myself.
You know ….
“Lately I’ve been walking, walking in circles,
Watching, waiting for something
Feel me, Touch me, Heal me, Come take me higher.“
Nahi nahi ye maine nahi likha… ye to angrezi gana sun raha tha. Rasmus ka In The Shadows, to udhar se chepa hai… tum bhi kya yaar…
Somehow I spent the whole of Saturday … and now it was Sunday, I was waiting for midnight and at the same time getting nostalgic remembering my last b’day, going for what you make call a trip down memory lane. Last year Banani, Buddy (alias Nabamita), JKG (alias Jeevan), Raju (alias Peeyush), Batra (alias Ashutosh) and Tau (alias Anuj) gave me a gr8 surprise, one I probably would never forget. The surroundings were not so familiar that time and nor were they this time. I had just moved to a delivery unit and made just a few new aquaintainces, but they all pooled in too well for what I expected. This time again, things had changed, people had changed, old friends had left for greener pastures (not blaming them, even I would have), and so the surroundings were not so familiar again.
This time Batra and Chhotu (alias Vishal) had gone places with their respective girlfriends. So Tau and Gupta (alias Piyush) had to kinda shoulder the responsibility of the grand celebration of my birthday and wellllllll……they where trying their best to gimme a big surprise. So the three of us started waiting for midnight together and what better could we have had other than an old monk Gum-with-Rum session at our terrace to keep the slowly trickling time moving. As usual I was having only coke and was listening to the gr8 crap of two drunkards having sour throats and yet drinking all the more, cause u know what, rum helps in curing sour throats, a gyan I learnt having been in company of vividly different breed boozers all of whom would be nodding their head to this one fact. You know people can talk much sense after 2-3 pegs down which otherwise they would never do. Both the hands of my watch were in a lip lock now and it was TIME. Each incoming call made me more happy and ecstatic, wow ….. finally it was time I celebrated my b’day. Sometime later Tau and Gupta also wished me, u know until that time it wasn’t 12 in their watches, and considering the fact that they were High (almost downed half a bottle each) 12 was bound to be a bit late for them. The Rum session ended around 1.15 with my first lot of b’day wish calls. I was all set to go to my bed without cutting a cake, thinking that it was okay and with just two guys around cutting a cake would hardly make sense. But then Tau brought the cake which he was hidden in cupboard…And the cake cutting ceremony followed. Bade pyarse they gifted me a book. Have a look at the book first.

Tau asked Gupta to get a good book for me and he brought “The Argumentative Indians – Amartya Sen”. Tau abused him like anything… “Sale aur kuchh nahi mila… ye kya le aaya… @@@###$$$ Amartya sen ke siva kuchh nahi mila and all”. But Gupta was all set with his logical string of explanation. He wanted me to read some sense and said some hard reading would help me in my preparation. I respect your feelings Gupts… but believe me the whole book thing was so much fun, we all laughed at it like anything. It was around 5-10 minutes continuous laughter.
Then it was time for bed. I slept around 2 o’clock with heavy heart. I was thinking about these two guys (tau and gupta) as well as thinking about my other friends. Har b’day pe kuchh purane log missing hote hai… kuchh naye log aate hai… believe me guys you all have special place in my heart that no body can take. We keep on meeting new people but that doesn’t mean that old people don’t mean anything. In the morning I got up early, thnx to people getting home after office at onsite. It’s always a great feeling to receive calls on your b’day isn’t it? I got some unexpected calls and missed some expected calls also. Gupta had some critical issues in office so he went there. Tau and I decided to celebrate my b’day by watching 3 movies back to back. We bought DVDs of Walk the line, BI2 and Love Actually.
Around 3, Batra came back from his holiday stint, wished me and joined us in the movie session. Chhotu sent an SMS wishing me a happy b’day…I started abusing him like anything. Ek to sala din mai 5 baje wish karta hai woh bhi kutte ne SMS kiya…@@@###$!!! Sometime later he came home with a cake and forced me to cut it. The next thing I found was Black Forest all over my face, back, neck, and other parts of my body (can’t write where all). In retaliation, I gave him some back ;). We had gone all crazy ….aur Batra and Tau koi bhi lapet liya. Sabka b’day mana li… sab ko cake se nahla diya… After all this cake smacking and stuff we still managed to have a small piece left…. wondering what to do about it an idea struck me and I called gupta… “Hey gupta jaldi aa yar. Chhotu cake laya hai aur tera wait kar rahe hai kaat ne pe” woh aaya aur bade pyar se darwaje pe hi uska encounter ho gaya… hum charo bhukhe bhediyo ki tarah uspe tut pade. We all were in full masti mood. What followed was a so to say deferred celebration of Holi … It was full masti. I can’t upload all the pics here… otherwise pata nahi tum log kya sochonge. Ghar ki haalat dekne laayak thi.. aisa lagta tha ki yaha pe kisi ka encounter huaa hai… khun ki jagah cake pada tha pure ghar mai…
Have a look.
Ye ek time pe pura cake huaa karta thaa..
Pahchano b’day kiska tha…
Fir maine aur chhotu ne ghar ki thodi bahut safaai ki. Muje laga meri maid bahut accha kaam karti hai.. It’s a real pain to clean the room especially after you have thrown cake here and there. Dinner at a local restaurant followed.
That is not the end. Next day again another cake cutting session, followed by bumps in my office. I must tell you software engineers sun ne mai jinte hi soft lagte hai haquikat mai utne hi hard hote hai… bas kisi ka b’day aane ka wait karte hai… Khatam fir… Ronaldo bhi football ko pyar se maarta hai.. but ye log koi laaj sharm kuchh nahi… na koi lihaaj… bas maarte jaao…. I am still having pain in my butt. But again b’day bumps bhi acche hi lagte hai…right?
I would like to thank Tau, Gupta, Batra and Chhotu. Thank you very much for making my day wonderful. It was something different. I was missing all my old friends. But got some new friends and learnt a new way of celebrating b’day’s.