Today is the right day to talk about Infy training because two years ago, on the very same day, I joined Infy. Yes I joined infy on October 18, 2004. We had two batches of trainees, one for computer background employees (short cycle) and one for non computer background employees (long cycle). Being IT student I was in short cycle. Ok let me cut the crap and tell you about training days.
On 17th I reached the Infosys Mysore Campus. It was a unique experience. That was the first time I was staying away (more than 1000 kilometers away!!!) from home moreover it was my first job so my heart was filled with special feeling “wo kahte hai na ankho mai arman aur dil mai kuchh karne ki tamanna, kuchh aisa hi”.
Okay coming on the track on the very first day I met
So 17th was over and it was 18th morning, got up early and got ready with properly ironed shirt and tie (job ka first day hai bhai, izzat ka saval hai). After asking some two three guys and two three security men we reached to our auditorium. First day was awful, had to do a lot of formalities, like documents verification and bank accounts and then had some induction sessions and all. Finally first day @ MyDC was about to over and on the way back I met a guy, Praveen Jain. He was looking very hi-fi guy with his Nokia 6600 in hand, we started talking and finally I came to know he also had the key of room no 1817, which means he was my room mate. We entered into the room and started talking about life, college and all possible tings on the world, yeah it was our first meeting but Jain was so cool to talk with… We some how finished our chatting session at 1.30 in the night and went to bed.
On 19th I introduced Jain to our neighbors (Negi and Aldrin). Jain, being very enthusiastic (wish I could write all those @#!@! words instead of enthusiastic) got an idea of organizing a trip so that we could get introduced to our training chicks. On the very same day he wrote a note on a piece of paper and circulated it to the entire trainees.
It was like
Hi Friends,
I am planning to organize a trip, so that we all can get a chance to meet everyone and know about them.
If you are interested the please write your name and phone number below.
Wow, in the first round we got around 70-80 response. We have got the name and numbers of all good looking people. Moreover Jain was happy because he got such a big number and some reasons to talk to gals. We thought it was going gr8, but from the next day onwards we started getting NO from many people. Jain started calling to each an every gal, n some boys also ;), to convince him/her for the trip (thanks to free intercom facility). Finally on the day of trip we were only 12. I would like to thank all those people for making that trip so memorable. You all know why right? And yeah that trip gave me two very good friends, Anup and Kamal.
Anyway let me talk about our actual training. According to training plan we had to go through some
With all such fun we completed our
During the technical training we tried to enjoy fully. I can’t forget those Coffee breaks when we used to rush towards coffee vending machine. I can’t forget those late night stay in LAB some times for study and mostly for fun. Everyday we used to decide that “okay today I will go to lab and study, I will not do anything else” but we used to end up in sitting 2-3 hours in pantry or watching some movie in lab. Don’t tell anyone but yeah watching movie was strictly prohibited in lab but we somehow manage to do that. We also used to play some games in training. Playing NFS on network was such a gr8 experience. Thanks to NFS champs Dhanil, Barni, Arka and many more. According to our sitting arrangement I was surrounded by some fundu ppls. On my one side I had Dinesh Sharma, technically very sound, very matured and a very sensible guy, and other side I had Dhanil, a sporty person, very lively guy. We enjoyed a lot during our training time. We used to chat a lot using “NET SEND” command and using some VB applications for the same, as during training we didn’t have access to internet or internal messengers. But we used to get some solutions for both of them. Also we used to sleep during our lab/training time. Man I can’t forget those module tests and those weekend masti in lab.
It was for the day time now after office hours also we had a lot of things do in campus. Apart from playing TT, cycling, roaming around in the beautiful campus we enjoyed our hostel life fully. Our hostel rooms were like some Five-start hotel only. We had TV, AC, housekeeping facility and all other required facility in our hostel.
Let me share some experiences with you.
Gal’s Hostel
My hostel block was just 100m away from gal’s hostel block (no 17). And the location of my room was so good that we could see almost every thing those rooms. But unfortunately gals used to put down curtains every day and every night, it ruined most of over chances. We used to hate gals putting curtains the whole day. But every night me and Jain used to have a look at that hostel, hmmm first floor 3rd room from left, the light is on, that means some one is still awake, yooo hi… Jain used to tell “Patel count kar ye room ka number konsa hai” (yeah we have a complaint against Hostel architecture; all the blocks has different structure and different numbering mechanism.) Being good at numbers I used to calculate the number perfectly ;) And then trin trin, Hello Madamjee, it’s Praveen Jain here, I was just wondering how come you are still awake? And then blah blah and more blah… Yeah I am still surprising how gals used to talk with him.
Jain was very famous for his pranks. He used to call someone and say “Hello this is Mr X from facilities; I think you have asked for cloth stand (or something else) could you please come out of your room and check whether is there?”
He used to set morning alarm on maximum volume in somebody’s TV, and then next morning everybody a big blast…These are some of those very simple pranks, rest of them I can’t mention here. Many nights I (Negi, Aldrin and many others) have spent without sleeping because of Jain. Every hostel room had an electric cattle and milk, coffee, tea bags, so we had a habit of making tea at late night. Jain used to call Negi to come our room and ask him to prepare tea for him and poor Negi, he didn’t have any other option than preparing tea for him. The list is too long and I can’t describe each an every thing here. But let me quickly remind you some of those,
“Roost is a secrete of my energy” was our famous slogan. (yeah read it right, it’s roost and not boost)
Reason : Roost is a name of a restaurant in
Number 116 had special importance to each and every trainee.
Reason : It was the only city bus which used to come to Infy campus at that time.
I can’t forge those late night cloth washing sessions, those small get-togethers, those B’day celebrations,
For a change sometimes we used to study also. It was college like atmosphere, but everything was in fast forward mode. 4 years of college = 2 months of training. Another difference was we were being paid for studying here ;)
As every good thing has an end (good or bad), our story also came to an end. Finally the day of Posting came and we got our respective posting.
Negi, Jain, Kamal, Aldrin, Deepti got
Myself, Batra, Banani, Kakkar got
Pragya got Pune.
Nanadini got Chennai
Fareena got Hydrabad and so on…
On the last day of our stay in
HUH I never though it will be such a big post!!! But I think it’s not only my story, after reading everyone who has gone through training in infy will feel that it’s his/her story only. Just the names will be different.
I know you are getting bored now… sorry can’t help ;)
Anyway let me stop here…
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BTW this was our most favorite slide during training time